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Eye Movement Reprocessing & Desensitisation
for anxiety, stress & trauma
Mindfulness Training for anxiety and stress
in Harlow

Our Anxiety Does Not Come from Thinking About the Future. But From Wanting To Control It


Kahlil Gibran

Is Counselling For Me?

Whether you’re experiencing anxiety, depression, phobias or trauma the help is here to guide you successfully on track to getting your life back.

It’s true to say, that all of us at some time in our lives will experience situations that cause anxiety, stress and depression, whether that is with our own personal relationships with ourselves and others, beliefs, loss & and grief, trauma and many more distressing life events.

The purpose of counselling is to help clients recognise their strengths and discover the beliefs and emotions that are restricting their emotional growth. Counselling offers you the opportunity to openly explore the events and triggers that may be causing your current anxiety and distress in privacy and confidence.

I work with my clients to help them gain greater insight into the nature and root of what's troubling them. The next step is to guide them through the process of integration and acceptance of their life in the Here and now. But the greatest pleasure for me as a practitioner is to be present with my clients as they move on from the counselling process and back to their lives with all the tools and resources they will need to manage and maintain the happy life they have now chosen.

The work we will do is underpinned by compassion and acceptance, enabling you to challenge the limiting beliefs and events that have interrupted your life’s journey; with a professional BACP counsellor who has over 15 years of experience in Harlow and the surrounding area.

Counselling can help with many different issues and concerns including:

Anxiety, depression, trauma, generalised anxiety, stress, family life, physical and emotional abuse, addiction, anger, bereavement, work-related issues, child-related issues, low self-esteem, financial worries, health worries, phobias, self-harm, sexual-related issues and associated trauma.

As an Integrative Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, I can offer a range of interventions that can be explored in your assessment session and further sessions if you choose to go forward with a practitioner who will be by your side every step of the way.
I offer talking therapy along with Mindfulness Training to my clients so that after your time with me is completed you have a management tool to work with for life to help reduce stress and anxiety. Other Interventions include Transactional Analysis, which explores the dynamics of relationships with self and others and Core Belief Change work.
Core Belief Change is the process of examining our Core Beliefs to understand what beliefs we hold that affect our well-being and consciously working to overwrite these beliefs with new and more positive ones. This work is based on the theory and practice of Robert Dilts who explains that what we believe at a deeper level must manifest in our environment and experience,; if we are unconsciously saying 'I am no good' or' I am not lovable' then the unconscious mind must produce that belief as experience in our environment. This change is brought about by Talking Therapy, Mindfulness and repeated positive 'I am' statements.

Please call for a free, no-obligation 15-minute assessment to help you decide if counselling is the right option for you: 07880 677 992

Counselling in Harlow for aniety, depression, stress, phobias
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